Thursday, March 4, 2010

Commissioner's Court says NO!

   The regular Commissioner's
Court meeting on March 1, 2010,
Voted no to our air monitor. It
had been approved twice. For years
concerned citizens have asked for
an air monitor, due to the many
gas wells, and Big Brown coal
Industry friendly Commissioner
Luke Ward made a motion to cancel
the air monitor due to expense, and
what we would do with data collected.
Big Brown extension Turlington
set to use 1,014 acres during it's
five year initial permit says Luminant.
Luke Ward's precinct.
The public is getting wise that what
we breathe can cause health problems,
but, here in Freestone they are content
to wait for EPA to regulate TCEQ.
It will happen it's just a matter of time.
Cancer cases in Flower Mound in
children, might be the wake-up call.

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